Jupyter NoteBook Starter

Jupyter NoteBook Starter

This is a Jupyter notebook example as described in the article Jupyter Notebook: A Complete Introduction. This is a Markdown “cell” (row). You can double-click this cell to view or edit the text. When you’re done editing, type Shift-ENTER to run the cell.

# This is a Python Code Cell.  It behaves like the Python terminal, 
# so it will display the results of the last expression.  You can also use print or other Python functions, or course.
# Double-click on this cell if you want to edit the python code.  When you're ready to run it, type Shift-ENTER again.

message = "Hello from Python"
'Hello from Python'

Jupyter Notebook supports Graphs using Matplotlib, Seaborn, etc.

For the rest of the notebook, I saved the output so you could see how it looks.

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = {
    'name': ['Roger', 'Juan', 'Marla', 'Diane'],
    'age': [27, 32, 40, 16],
    'height_inches': [73, 70, 61, 65]

df = DataFrame(data)
name age height_inches
0 Roger 27 73
1 Juan 32 70
2 Marla 40 61
3 Diane 16 65
df.plot(x='name', y='height_inches', kind='bar')